Dear Friends,
This month marks the 10th anniversary of Feeding Hong Kong.
On this special occasion I’m delighted to share news of the appointment of Alex Ho as our new CEO.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Alex is an experienced leader with a true passion to serve our community. He joins us after 14 years at the South China Morning Post, while he previously held senior positions in food-related FMCG and hospitality companies.
We’re thrilled to welcome him to the Feeding Hong Kong family and look forward to seeing his breadth of experience and leadership further our mission to reduce food waste, feed those in need and drive positive change.
I am also excited to share the news that after a decade at the helm of Feeding Hong Kong, our founder Gabrielle Kirstein will be moving to the Board of Directors.
Gabrielle’s journey with Feeding Hong Kong started 12 years ago when she started connecting local bakeries with surplus food to nearby shelters who needed it. In 2011, she registered Feeding Hong Kong as a charity and has built it into the thriving community foodbank we know today.
We would like to extend our warmest thanks and appreciation to Gabrielle for her incredible dedication, commitment and tireless work in growing Feeding Hong Kong. Our thanks are joined by those of the countless causes that Feeding Hong Kong supports, as well as the wider Hong Kong community. We are also excited that, as we start this next chapter, her passion and vision will continue to drive us.
Let us also take the chance to thank you for your ongoing support of Feeding Hong Kong as we work to help feed people, not landfills. Thanks to your support, we have rescued 4,400 tonnes of food, served 150 charities and – crucially – supported 14 million meals for vulnerable people. But there is still so much more to do.
Every day in Hong Kong, we throw away 3,400 tonnes of food, whilst one in five people live in poverty, struggling to afford three meals a day. Our mission today is more important than ever, as is your support. To honour our 10th anniversary and to spur us forward in our new chapter, please consider making a donation and getting involved. Please click here to find out how.
With sincere thanks,
Brett Stewien
Chair, Board of Directors
Feeding Hong Kong